The South Australian Baseball Scorers Association (SABSA) is an affiliated body of Baseball South Australia (BSA) first formed in 1976 with the objective of:


promoting the art of baseball scoring

— encouraging, educating and representing scorers associated with BSA

— co-operating with and assisting BSA to maintain uniform interpretation of the rules of baseball scoring.


Michael Phillips | President

Cathy Hill | Vice President

Carol Burns | Treasurer

Enza Henty | Minutes Secretary

Lorraine Dunn, Steve Eads, Enza Henty, Michael Phillips | Rules & Scoring Panel

Cathy Hill | CABS Coordinator


GameChanger Scoring links:

Hilltop Office Supplies State League Division 1

Hilltop Office Supplies Women's League Division 1

Just The Thing Furniture Super League


SABSA Facebook SABSA Website